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2025-26 Prep Class Enrollment
5 years old by Sept 1, 2025
Enrollment Process
Optional (but recommended) Visit the InterDivison Campus for a tour
Complete the Application for Admission
Choose date for Entrance Exam & Parent Interview
Complete the exam and interview.
In-class 1 day Trial (arranged with the Principal)
To Request: send a message to
NOTE: Some days are not conducive for a 1-day trial. We try to arrange days that allow the child to participate in a “normal day” of class
There is a fee of 5,500yen
Students must bring lunch from home for 1-day trials
Application and Exam fees can be paid at the Preschool Office
Timeline for enrollment & acceptance is outlined below
Application and Exam Window:
Now to July 31, 2025
All families will be informed of their acceptance or otherwise within 2 weeks of the Entrance Exam.
Initial payment must be made by within 2 weeks of receiving the Letter of Acceptance to confirm your seat.
Initial payment includes:
Enrollment Fee - ¥44,000
Material Fee - ¥55,000
Facility Fee - ¥11,000
Application Fee 入学申請料: ¥ 22,000
Examination Fee 入学考査料 (受験料): ¥ 11,000
One day trial 1日体験料: ¥ 5,500
Enrollment Fee 入学金: ¥ 44,000
Monthly Tuition 授業料: ¥ 66,000
Sibling Discount: ¥55,000 (2nd child)
Material Fee 教材費: ¥ 55,000 (Annual Fee / per child)
Facility fee 施設利用料: ¥11,000 (Annual Fee / per child)
Lunch Fee 給食: ¥ 8,800 (Monthly / Optional / per child)
** Siblings within InterDivision
**Material / Facility can be paid in 3 months installment
NOTE: We do not authorize refunds for the following fees:
入学申込料 Application
入学試験料 Examination
入学金 Enrollment
教材料 Material
施設利用料 Facility
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