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Message from the Principals 8/23/2024

Good morning, Hope Community! Today's topics:

  1. Important Reminders

  2. Curriculum Focus - Singapore Math

  3. Learning Highlight - Mission to Mars

  4. House Points

  5. Photos of the week

1 - Important Reminders

2 - Curriculum Focus - Singapore Math

We recognize the significance of mathematics in everyday life and continuous learning. Our approach aims to empower students to acquire mathematical concepts and skills that extend beyond mere calculations. Through critical thinking, reasoning, effective communication, and practical application, we strive to build confidence and foster a genuine excitement for mathematics.

Mathematics Curriculum Framework: Our curriculum is structured around key mathematical concepts organized into strands: Algebra, Numbers, Data, Geometry, and Proportion. These concepts are interlinked, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Skills: We emphasize the practical application of mathematical tools, ensuring that students not only solve numerical problems but also tackle real-world mathematical challenges. This approach equips them with essential skills for both academic and practical scenarios.

Processes: The curriculum revolves around fundamental processes that form the bedrock of mathematical thinking. Students engage in abstract reasoning, effective representation, clear communication, practical application, and modeling. These processes empower them to approach problem-solving with versatility and depth.

Metacognition: Encouraging metacognition, or "thinking about thinking," is embedded in our curriculum. Students are guided to reflect on their problem-solving strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and enhancing their ability to apply varied approaches to problem-solving.

Attitude: We recognize the pivotal role of attitude in learning mathematics. Cultivating a positive attitude is foundational to developing interest, perseverance, and appreciation for the subject. We aim to instill in our students a mindset that embraces critical thinking and the practical application of mathematical concepts, preparing them for a lifetime of mathematical literacy and problem-solving.

3 - Learning Highlight: Mission to Mars

One of the key foundations of our Elementary and Middle School curriculums is the importance of connected learning. We want students at Hope to realize that all the different subject areas they study throughout the school week link and relate to one another and don’t exist on their own, separate from each other. The biggest way we help our students to see connections in their daily school lives is through the lens of their Unit Theme in Elementary and their Big Idea in Middle School.

For example, currently our Grade 4 and 5 classes are investigating their first Unit Theme of the year - “Mission to Mars”. In “Mission to Mars”, a range of subject areas will be integrated together to give our students a better understanding of the importance of space exploration and all the different factors that need to be considered in this area.

For example, in their Physical Education lessons, the classes will learn about the stamina and fitness required for astronauts on space missions. In History, they will learn about prior space missions that may influence a future Mars mission. In Design, the students will learn about the current Mars rovers, their designs and how these designs help us to explore and learn more about Mars. In Science, the classes will further their knowledge of the solar system, understanding concepts such as gravity, alongside biological knowledge of plants and what sort of plants could grow on Mars.

These are a few examples of the way that all subjects taught will connect to the unit theme, but this unit will also integrate skills from Geography, Health and Wellbeing, Language Arts and International Learning.

Connected learning allows our students to view an issue through a range of different viewpoints and encourages them to see the wider context of their learning.

4 - House Points

Basilisk - 186

Phoenix - 159

Dragon - 158

Hydra - 150

5 - Photos of the week

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