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Message from the Principals 8/18/2023

Writer: School AccountSchool Account

Today's topics:

1: Important Reminders

2: PLG of the Month

3: Week in Review

4: Photos of the week

Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!!

Whether you're a returning member of our community or you're just joining us, we are excited and honored to have you with us. Each of you play a vital role in making our school special. Together, we can build a safe and nurturing environment that allows the students to engage in rich learning experiences and collaboration.

1: Important Reminders

  • Club Registration is OPEN! Please view the details in the email titled "Sem 1 Club Registration."

    • Sign up HERE (registration closes on August27)

    • Acceptance is on a first-come first-served basis.

    • All clubs start September 5

  • 9/4 - Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)

  • Please make sure that all school materials are labeled

2: PLG of the Month

At Hope, each month we focus on one of the eight IPC and IMYC Personal Learning Goals (PLG). The goal of the month is discussed at the school assemblies and is built upon in class, during morning meetings, and throughout day-to-day learning.

To start the new school year, our first Personal Learning Goal focus is being “Resilient”. This is an important goal to focus on at the start of the school year as students begin the year positively and with purpose. Students can demonstrate being resilient in the following ways:

  • Having a positive attitude, even when they are not immediately successful at an activity. (Growth mindset)

  • Seeking out help only when they truly need it, having strategies to support them when they are stuck with their learning.

  • Realizing learning takes effort and investing this effort into challenging tasks.

  • To keep trying, even when learning is challenging and to improve through further practice.

Please encourage your child in demonstrating this month's goal by discussing how they have demonstrated being resilient outside of school life too!

3: Week in Review

This first week back to school has been quite a blur! We hope that all the students are settling in and coming home happy each day.

This week was spent helping students get oriented in their new class. Teachers took time explaining the expectations of the class, routines, and more. Students have had the opportunity to become familiar with the school and all the staff.

This afternoon we will hold our first Monthly Assembly. This is the time for the Elementary department and the Secondary department (Middle school and High School) to meet and discuss various school wide topics.

The Assemblies often include:

  • school rules and policies the students should know

  • introduction of new students (and teachers) to the school community

  • Upcoming School event information

  • A chance to celebrate our international community

  • Activities to support the PLG of the month

  • Student and Classroom Awards

  • House Points updates

  • and much more!

4: Photos of the week



学校法人 ホープ インターナショナル アカデミー
Preschool Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城1-51

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 1-51 

Phone :098-989-9110   Fax:098-989-9119

 InterDivision Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城3-6

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 3-6

Phone :098-926-3886   Fax:098-989-9119

©2020 by Hope International Academy. 

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