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Message from the Principals 3/14/2025

執筆者の写真: School AccountSchool Account

Today's Topics:

1: Important Reminders

2: Learning Highlights - Prep, G6 & HS

3: Update from the Community!

4: House Points

5: Photos of the week

1: Important Reminders

  • Mar 28 - PTC 

  • Mar 28 - Parent Workshops

    • 4:00-5:00pm (after the PTC)

    • Reminder: The HS workshop will be very important for current G8 students!

  • Mar 31 to Apr 4 - NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)

    • School resumes April 7

  • April 29th - OPEN SCHOOL!

2: Learning Highlights - Prep, G6 & HS There was some awesome learning and activities throughout this week. Here are a few highlights!

Recently, the Prep grew their own lettuce! They were so excited watering their plants when they were just seedlings and watching it grow. They took their lettuce home and ate it for dinner! This was part of their previous unit "The Earth: Our Home".

This week in Science, Prep is researching what different things are made of in their new unit “What’s It Made Of”.

This week Grade 6 did a PLG (Personal Learning Goal) activity focusing on what "being respectful" means. They gathered in groups and wrote three meanings then passed their poster to the next group. The next group had to add new meanings to the already mentioned ones and so on. In the end, each group looked at their poster and reflected on all other definitions that were added.

This week our HS Geographers completed their end of unit assessments that featured both real world and fictional ecosystems. They were tasked with considering the relationship humans have with ecosystems and whether these relationships are inherently positive or not. They finished the week by presenting their learning via a gallery walk that parents, other learners and teachers attended. We had lots of creative art work, models, websites, videos and interactive games for people to learn from and play with. It was a fantastic display of learning in action and the HS Geographers should be very proud of themselves - well done everyone!

3: Update from the Community!

One of our parent's research units at OIST is going to host Prof. Coen Elemans, who will be delivering a public talk titled "How Do Animals Make Sound? … Even While Holding Their Breath."

This engaging event will be conducted in English with Japanese simultaneous interpretation and is open to the general public. We warmly invite students, families, and staff who may be interested in this fascinating topic to join us.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, April 5th, 2025

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: OIST Auditorium

Registration is required and can be completed via the QR code on the attached event. Please note that the registration deadline is March 23rd.

For more information, please visit:

4: House Points

Dragon - 4029

Hydra - 3792

Phoenix - 3611

Basilisk - 3571

5: Photos of the week!



学校法人 ホープ インターナショナル アカデミー
Preschool Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城1-51

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 1-51 

Phone :098-989-9110   Fax:098-989-9119

 InterDivision Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城3-6

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 3-6

Phone :098-926-3886   Fax:098-989-9119

©2020 by Hope International Academy. 

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