Today's Topics:
1: Important Reminders
2: Curriculum Focus - Integration of the PLGs
3: Learning Highlights - G5 & G8
4: House Points
5: Photos of the week
1: Important Reminders
Feb 17 - NO SCHOOL (Presidents' Day)
Feb 24 - Open School
Session 1: 8:30-10:00
Session 2: 10:10-11:30
Everyone is welcome to visit one or both sessions. Please ensure to leave the classroom from 10:00-10:10 to allow for students and teachers to have a short break.
Mar 14 - Hope Family Day
2: Curriculum Focus - Integration of the PLGs
One of the learning goals under the PLG of "Communicator" is to "practice multilingualism and use multiple languages as appropriate to different situations".
Throughout our school we use various terminologies such as vision, learning goals, school rules, and learning definitions. One way to give these words meaning and connection is by integrating it with PLG. A recent G8 activity involved choosing a vocabulary word from the classroom wall, selecting a language that was unfamiliar to them, translating the word, and then communicating with their peers to explain their learning. Some students identified that their are different ways to write Chinese Characters, they also found the German language really hard to pronounce, and some languages are not supported by google translate, encouraging them to dig deeper to find appropriate translations.
3: Learning Highlights - G5 & G8!
Grade 5 began their Composting project for their Geography and Science lessons. Linking to SDG 2 and 12. They are researching and recording the purpose and need for composting, and also comparing the composting initiatives of various countries in our ELA Reading and Viewing lessons. 🌱
Grade 8 - Geography - 4.11: Comparing Features from Different Places
For their final task in geography for the unit, the class created a website and took on the role of a travel agency. Each student researched and presented information about two different countries, comparing features such as geography, culture, history, infrastructure, and more. The aim was to help potential travelers choose their destinations by analyzing data, maps, and graphs, while also considering the social and environmental impacts of each place.
Students then selected the presenters they were most interested in and listened to their prepared travel guidance. Afterward, they provided each other feedback using a rubric - promoting peer evaluation and engagement. Throughout the process, students were encouraged to use both verbal and non-verbal communication that was appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience, ensuring effective and respectful communication during peer assessments (PLG - Communicator).
4: House Points
Dragon - 3572
Hydra - 3291
Phoenix - 3162
Basilisk - 3121