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Message from the Principals 11/18/2022

Writer's picture: School AccountSchool Account

Hello Hope Community! Topics for today:

1: Important Reminders

2: Curriculum Focus - Exit Points

3: Grade 3 Exit Point

4: Photos of the Week!

1: Important Reminders

  • November 21-22: MAP Testing

    • Regular school days

  • November 23: Parent Teacher Conferences

    • If you have not yet signed up, please do so by clicking here.

    • No classes for students, but students can accompany parents to the conference.

    • Parent teacher conferences can be held in person or by Zoom.

    • Translation may not be available for all families. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    • Deadline for sign-ups is November 20.

      • Please Note: No sign ups will be accepted after this date.

  • November 24-25: Thanksgiving Holiday

    • No School for Students

  • November 28: Teacher Work Day

    • No School for Students

    • Teachers will be preparing school report cards

Dec 16th Sports Day Information!

Our 2022 Sports Day will be held at the Koza Shinkin Dome located HERE.

The event begins at 9:00am and finishes at 12:30. The schedule for the event was shared to all Hope Family Emails.

To help us prepare and arrange necessary transportation, please complete this Form by December 9th.

2: Curriculum Focus - Exit Points

This week’s Curriculum Focus will conclude the overview of the structure of an IPC or IMYC unit. Every unit for both IPC and IMYC ends with an Exit Point:

The Exit Point is designed to allow students to create a project that summates and celebrates the learning that has happened over the Theme (IPC) or Big Idea (IMYC) that they have been exploring, bringing closure to that unit. The Exit Point is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the subjects studied during the theme and share them with their classmates, teachers and the school community and may provide opportunities for the students to support the local or global community.

In IMYC, students are encouraged to extend their Exit Point concepts by expanding upon their subject based learning, demonstrating how their understanding of the Big Idea has personal meaning to them and connects to the Personal and International goals. In IPC, Exit Points are designed to recap the knowledge gained, skills developed and understanding deepened during their unit.

The Exit Point medium will vary from unit to unit (a presentation, a debate, an exhibition, a play, etc.) and this encourages students to be creative in how they wish to present their learning.

3: Grade 3 Exit Point

Yesterday, Grade 3 held their exit point in the cafeteria for Parents and other classes to visit. Their unit was titled "Inventions that Changed the World."

The Exit Point was an exhibition of students' own inventions based on those they learned about in class. They invented their own boards games, cooking recipes, origami designs, vehicle designs and fashion items.

4: Photos of the Week!



学校法人 ホープ インターナショナル アカデミー
Preschool Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城1-51

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 1-51 

Phone :098-989-9110   Fax:098-989-9119

 InterDivision Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城3-6

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 3-6

Phone :098-926-3886   Fax:098-989-9119

©2020 by Hope International Academy. 

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