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Who We Are:

We are a family-oriented International School located next to the seawall in Chatan, Okinawa. Our school community is comprised of a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. These differences are celebrated and used to help develop internationally-minded learners. We seek to empower our students to affect positive change by providing them with a "Global Reach:" inspiring families, the local community, and the world.
We are an official "学校法人(gakko houjin)" -
Educational institution certified by Okinawa Prefecture.

Hope International Academy aspires to provide students with a student-centered, internationally-focused education. We inspire and encourage our students to be knowledgeable and confident change-makers in a safe and nurturing environment.

The Directors of Hope International Academy donate their time and energy to this school.  Their support is on a completely volunteer basis.  We greatly appreciate their help and guidance and are honored to have them as our leaders.



Hope will:

  • provide student centered, differentiated learning

  • facilitate meaningful, holistic learning experiences

  • cultivate students to be confident, reflective, critical thinkers

  • ensure a safe and nurturing environment

  • strengthen family and community connections

  • celebrate international mindedness


Hope International Academy students will be:

  • responsible global citizens

  • proactive members of their communities

  • reflective problem solvers

  • empathetic, well-rounded individuals

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School Definition of Learning

Learning is the reflective ongoing process of developing Knowledge, Skills, and Understanding.

International Mindedness

International mindedness is to be open-minded global citizens

Educational Objectives

Students at Hope International Academy will:

  • develop an internationally-minded perspective that encourages them to celebrate the cultural diversity of our community of learners.

  • demonstrate 21st Century skills and competencies characterizing global citizens committed to positive social change.

  • build a strong foundation and demonstrate proficiency in science, mathematics, and technology.

  • develop proficiency in the English language.

  • be strong communicators, that are proficient in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

  • demonstrate critical thinking skills and creativity that will permit them to be problem solvers.

  • foster awareness and respect for the environment, both globally and locally.

  • involve themselves in a variety of extra or co-curricular activities, including the arts, sports, and community service.

  • gain knowledge of and respect for the people of our “Host” and “Home countries,” their history, and their culture.

  • develop a resilient mindset: with the ability to achieve current and future goals.

学校法人 ホープ インターナショナル アカデミー
Preschool Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城1-51

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 1-51 

Phone :098-989-9110   Fax:098-989-9119

 InterDivision Campus: 〒904-0113 沖縄県中頭郡北谷町宮城3-6

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 3-6

Phone :098-926-3886   Fax:098-989-9119

©2020 by Hope International Academy. 

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